Dredd, Total Recall: Hollywood will remake anything.
Dredd is surprisingly watchable action; better sourced Total Recall is a surprisingly terrible remake.
Dark Knight to (probably) Rise Again, while Bourne Legacy Sails into the .. Past
The Dark Knight Rises to end trilogy in style – except probably not as it is set-up for sequel. The Bourne Legacy tries to milk its sequel for more – and retcons its way to confusing MEH.
Spider-Man amazes anyone who’s never seen a movie. Any movie.
Spider-man was too formula to entertain, to familiar to amaze. Decent ‘hero’ movie if you must.
Hunger Games, Magic Mike, MIB3
The Hunger Games was compelling if simplistic. Men in Black 3 needs to be the last. Magic Mike was entertaining but could have been really something.
A Midsummer’s Movie Report: Avengers, Prometheus, Cabin, Huntsman, Battleship
Mini movies reviews of summer blockbusters including The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, Cabin in the Woods, Prometheus and Battleship.
Dear Life: Fuck You. And the horse you rode in on.
I’m gonna bitch. And I’m gonna bitch about everyone else bitching about shit. Shut up. Poverty Sucks Apologies to the real sleeping-on-dirt, eating-every-3rd-day poor: yes, I’m talking the U.S. version […]
Cheese + Wine = Easy Party. For boring old people.
Recommendations for easy wine and cheese party.
WTF with crappy Oscar movies?
Oscar 2012 recap. You know, of the few I actually dropped the hard earned cash for. Maybe use this as your Netflix cheat sheet. The Help. I liked it, enjoyed […]
Last week in bullshit: Sluts, Rush, Business and Politics as usual
The Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh slut debate – with a dash of reality, sprinkle of snark.
This Week on Cable, for the 527th time: The A-Team
My first post of 2012 is a review of a two-year old movie. I’m nothing if not efficient. Pillaging 80s pop culture I missed The A-Team in theaters, so-so reviews […]